Instruments for Sale
To post your instrument(s) for sale, please email:
Our daughter just changed to 3/4 cello so we are selling her 1/2 cello. It is made in a famous cello studio in China, and Adeline has played on it for a bit more than a year. We would like to sell it at $2500, including the case and the bow. Please let us know if you have someone looking for a good 1/2 cello.
Our daughter just changed to 3/4 cello so we are selling her 1/2 cello. It is made in a famous cello studio in China, and Adeline has played on it for a bit more than a year. We would like to sell it at $2500, including the case and the bow. Please let us know if you have someone looking for a good 1/2 cello.
Large 3/4 cello Montagnana cello made by Sebastian Ordnziniack, 2013. Full complex sound. Excellent for advanced smaller cellist, ideal for competitions and recordings.
Contact Catherine Diefenbach:
917 783-7776